I’m the girl you’ll notice first
when you walk into the bar
often sitting alone
(even with friends)
playing with her drink
with that faraway look in her eye
I’m the girl with that certain something
you can't quite pin down
who looks like no one else you've ever seen
and reminds you of someone you can't remember
The girl who will let you talk forever
and who will reveal so little information
The girl who sometimes seems to be laughing at you
but makes your heart leap each time
she enters a room
The girl you will pursue relentlessly
and wholeheartedly
And slowly
if you earn it
I will peel away layers
and show you the rest
of this girl
I’m the girl
you will fall in love with
I will give you my heart
and my soul
and my mind
and my self
And we will be happy
And then
I’m the girl you will leave
heart slashed, soul shattered, mind lost
self still in love
that’s the girl i am.
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