Sunday, December 24, 2006

What are you doing Christmas Eve?

After much debate i finally decided not to go to Mississippi to be with my sister’s family for Christmas,. After much convincing that i would be able to survive without her nearby my mother decided to go (funny how i have spent so many years living all on my own thousands of miles away from her and the older i get somehow the more she worries about me~oh if only she knew~oh well). The migraines have been worse lately, and the stress of travel, being away from home, etc, etc, etc, (plus how could i leave the kitties alone at the holidays? plus, with apologies to you magnolia state dwellers, Mississippi just doesn't sound all that Christmassy!)

So, after going to restock the pantry (along with everyone else in the universe apparently~this also involves cleaning the kitchen and cleaning out the fridge); starting on those piles of much neglected laundry; tonight i think i might revive an old family tradition of going out for Chinese food for Christmas Eve dinner (though mine will be take-out) then the kitties and i will have a little Yuletide/Christmas Eve ritual (i have been trying to do one each night since Winter solstice since Yuletide is generally believed to last twelve days after the solstice itself~and tonight's definitely needs to include a bath, what with the lying in i've been doing due to illness and lack of clean laundry i'm beginning to smell like a homeless person). And Christmas Eve seems like the right time to welcome the rebirth of the Sun and the hope of longer, brighter days ahead. Many traditions of the Christmas Season such as decorating trees, caroling, giving presents, and (who would have guessed) the burning of the Yule log all come from Yule. Ritual work for Yule often surrounds peace, love, harmony, and a healthier planet~nice warm thoughts for these long dark, cold winter nights.

Tomorrow i will be spending with friends.

1 comment:

LibraryTavern Liz said...

You're not going to believe this--but my family's tradition (for about the last 20+ years, anyway) is to eat Asian food on Xmas Eve.

Enjoy the rest of Yule/Xmas!